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Agenda Kegiatan

  • Selasa, 12 Januari 2021
  • Administrator
  • 1 komentar

Agenda Kegiatan

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"Selamat sore, my name is Kiara Roller and I am a anthropologist student, currently living in Malang for doing a field research about women empowerment. I came aware of your Organization and I would love to get in touch with you, to learn more about the work of GOW and to have an Interview with a GOW member. Besides, could you tell me the address of the headquarter office of GOW? I would love to hear back from you as soon as possible. (By the way, I already tried to contact you via Email and via Whatsapp, but neither your mail or the number works). You can get in touch with me via WhatsApp. My number is: +49 176 97534920 Best regards, Kiara Roller"
23 Oct 2023 15:33 Kiara Roller

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- Ketua Gabungan Organisasi Wanita -

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